Friday, March 15, 2013

Exhausted Birthday

Or should i say belated? Yes, I am finally 17! Don't know what to feel come to think about it... Though I am happy because exams are over!!! :) BUT I regret not studying earlier. I should really learn how to manage my time well especially for preparing for SPM which is... 7 months away. I have learned my lesson for not revising early and maaaan it sucks. I need to pull my grades up---FAST. I love English but somehow I don't think I did well this time round in exams. I feel like a failure and i feel as if i've disappointed my teacher and crap. ughhh

Not to mention, I had the runs and nausea on my freaking birthday. Wow best birthday ever huh? Though I am super grateful to have such amazing friends! Received wishes the day before, right on the clock and early morning on my birthday when I was cramming for biology! They managed to surprise me on my birthday with cake and presents. I was touched ;-; I love them to bits.

I can't wait for the one week holiday!!! I have so much catching up to do on studies and my biology assignment and my social life. Wow i need a life... But patience and endurance is the key because in another few months, I'll be free from school!!!!(ok maybe only for a while but i'll make that count.)

Sooo packed this weekend :s Have to go for prefects' talk and prepare for our performance and what more to say I need my sleep because I have been sick ugh Its actually a miracle for me to able to still be awake and functioning with only 2 hours of sleep from last night. Yes, I sat for my chemistry paper with no revision done and only two hours of sleep. Yay. Cannot wait for my results. DO YOU SENSE MY SARCASM. OK.

I guess that's all for this post boobies. Ciao.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year guys! A new start for a new year! In the middle of an open house for family right now and boy is it busy... I am happy because there is a week off for us from school :) Need to catch up on sleep and hopefully start revision for the coming exams!

But first, shall enjoy myself because this only happens once a year right? Packed week ahead!

Enjoy you guys' Chinese New Year celebrations for those who are celebrating!

Gonna just drown myself in a movie while waiting for a certain someone to be done with his!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Basically my arms and back are jelly now. I'm not even joking...

Had one of the best days this year at St Joseph's 2013 prefect telematch! Plus made a few new friends! I even climbed a freaking rope which honestly I didn't expect to do. It was a really cool experience. Josephians know how to have fun! Tons of hands on teamwork games gaaah. I even got on a scout built bridge and that was actually a miracle because I am afraid of heights and stuff. Though I am kinda bummed I couldn't help my group in games which involved too much water cos you know... totm.

Oh my god. I can't wait for the next telematch! I definitely take back what I said when I said it wasn't going to be fun.

Till whenever again! :)

, xx
Friday, February 1, 2013


The past few days have been exhausting. That pretty much sums it up. How I feel about everything---exhausted. I would really love a break from everything. Homework and assignments have been piling up and the days to SPM are getting closer and closer. Exams are only a month away from now and I haven't covered form 4 subjects and topics not to mention form 5. Time spent awake but dead has been overruling sleep. School has been okay but all in all-----I NEED A BREAK.

Despite being exhausted from life now, I am glad I have someone to lean on when the going gets tough.

This is a real short post because I am rushing my biology assignment and decided to come on to update a bit! Till the Chinese New Year holidays guys(which i will be spending doing revision)! Will be updating again then :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bonding night

Hey guys! It's been quite a while since I last posted hasn't it?

Just came back from a barbecue and I smell like lamb and chicken right now. Nonetheless, it was an amazing night spent with classmates!

Basically, I am super sleep deprived because its been a tiring week. Slept at 1am ish on Friday and had to wake up early at 6am for cocurricular activities at school. That was just the beginning of a frantic fun filled day. Promised myself not to eat too much today but ended up downing McDonald's hot cakes and coffee after a bowl of oats for breakfast at 6am. Practically spent the whole morning with Xinjie, Bev, Ivy and Irving at McD catching up.

Today was the first time in my life that I handled raw meat. It smelt like wet dogs... Specially the chicken. The lamb smelt good though. It smelt like vanilla hahahaha. Amy came over and we went grocery shopping for the barbecue tonight! We waaaay underestimated the prices and ran out of money to get food for the night. Thank God my dad was there.


I just love hanging out with my friends. Specially like tonight where it was just us and food around the table and everyone squeezing around it getting all comfy like a campfire! I would honestly prefer doing stuff like this than a movie or going out to eat because its just more comfortable because you can talk and play games and share stuff. Its like friend bonding!

Oh and I attempted the Chubby Bunny challenge. It's on my facebook so yeah... I totally forgot to say Chubby Bunny because I was too busy choking on marshmallows.

That's pretty much it for tonight because I am dead tired.

, xx
Monday, December 24, 2012

Different Christmas

First of all, I would like to wish you all a blessed Merry Christmas! 

I have always loved Christmas. Not Chinese New Year, not really my birthday, not any other holiday. But Christmas. I don't know why... I have just always loved it and words aren't really going to explain why. Maybe it's because of the love and the family gatherings. Maybe because it's a celebration of Jesus' birthday. Maybe because of both. I have always found it different and special than other occasions.

Somehow, it's different this year. Christmas, I mean. Usually on Christmas' Eve, we'd have a family gathering with turkey and mashed potatoes, curry, lasagne, egg salad etc. We would all gather at the living room after the Christmas' Eve dinner then maybe do some carolling among ourselves then we would open presents! Then after, the adults would just gather there talking among themselves about adult stuff and we kids would go off outside and play or talk among ourselves too. Just pure fun family time.

Unfortunately, this year its different. The Christmas tree is no where to be seen. The decorations aren't hung up around the house. There isn't the smell of delicious Christmas food coming from the kitchen. The house is so quiet this year you could hear a pin drop. With grandma and my aunt being away in Melbourne this year, there isn't even a little get together with nice yummy food. I don't have the Christmas spirit this year. Its just no where to be found.

This year's Christmas is only dad, mom, my brother and I being home. No special dinner. No carolling. No presents. Only went out to Hills for taro balls and grass jelly. But not the whole little family. My brother is addicted to his laptop and his games its silly. He coops himself up in his room the whole day and sometimes even manages to survive without breakfast or lunch. His addiction is getting worse and we can't even get him out of his room unless it's to buy more pc games. So, it was only dad, mom and I who went out for dessert just now. I got sick this Christmas... I have a cold and it sucks so bad I have no words for it. Currently just sitting here wrapped up in warm jackets and blankets while typing out this post with this heavy head and runny nose.

Nothing special this year. I can only hope for a better Christmas next year. I miss the past Christmases. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Feels of starting an online clothes store...

Hey guys, so recently I have been thinking of starting work and earning some cash for myself as well as university and maybe some shopping money... Mainly because I really need pocket money. Seeing how Amz earns so much from her facebook store, it really got me thinking about starting one.

I'm not gonna lie, I actually googled it to see how to get started. I read a few websites and only a few managed to point out it would be really hard work because you need to have patience and consistency when doing it. Not to mention you will need time. Lots of it! Dealing with customers and all.

Seeing as I'm Form 5 next year... I'm probably gonna have to put away this idea of starting one. Maybe I'll just do research for now and find drop-shippers and hopefully create a website but in the mean time its just all rolling out in my head. Once SPM is over, I'll probably do it because I don't know...I mean, I've been in countless online clothes stores and most of them don't really fit my taste or price budget range. Either I don't like the clothes they sell or the price on clothes that are too pricey. I'm more of a t shirt and or vest with shorts or jeans girl with the occasional casual/prom/party dress type. I like cool stand out prints or maybe sometimes just plain tees paired with ripped jean shorts or bermudas. To cut it short, I like to be simple, comfy and versatile.

So, basically what I want to do is to find and sell these type of clothes that fit me and other girls with the same taste as me. But like I's only all up in my head for now. Promise to do more research and if I do start one, I'll defs post about it!

This is it for this update!

, xx
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Food, Fun, Laughter and after feelings.

Believe it or not, I am actually standing while writing this post.

I am so stuffed and bloated I have the urge to just puke it all out now ughhh should not have stuffed myself with food!! I tend to always feel all this regret and guilt whenever I eat too much or eat stuff that I really shouldn't have eaten. Its just insane.

Just got back from Hui's house after steamboat and had a quick shower to get rid of the fried food smell... Unfortunately, it's still in my hair. Though I must say, the food was amazeballs!!! I restricted myself to only the soup part with fishballs and all that steamed stuff and a few fried tofu and fishmeat or crab or something. Surprisingly managed to not get my hands on any meat today! We were supposed to watch a scary movie but the guys didn't bring it so... We just talked and stuff and idk but I think the guys were high on crack or something tonight because they were laughing at everything idek man. I was mainly just a silent bystander... Listening and laughing along whenever appropriate. Invisible 4 lyf yo~

With me on my p and tonight's food loot, I'd have to work extra to get rid of the bloating :\ I honestly hate exercising when I'm having my time of the month. It's just icky. But then, I feel bad and cranky and just plain annoyed that I didn't work out or do stuff about it and have to live with all this flab. I AM SO INDECISIVE IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.

I noticed that this year I haven't really made a change in my body :( it's actually really dissappointing because I have tried everything and its still the same. I have only managed to maintain my weight but though sometimes it flunctuates up and down. DOWN WOULD BE GOOD RIGHT NOW OK. Ok i won't rant much on this cos it would just be pointless. Just gonna say that I am really pissed at myself for not being hard working and determined enough is all.

I guess this is it for this post. Will update sooner or later!!! Gonna read some fanfics he he he

p/s I plan to have like a horror movie marathon at my home soon when my tv gets fixed he he he

BTW GUYS I AM REALLY ADDICTED TO WATCHING BOB'S BURGERS RECENTLY. It's a really cool cartoon. Google it if you want! Till whenever~

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hey, it's me.

I have basically done nothing the first few weeks of the holidays! It is kinda driving my sanity away... So all I've been doing these past couple of weeks are just working out, downloading and watching movies, went to damai and reading fanfics. Yep, that pretty much sums up the past couple weeks.

But oh how I wished I had faster internet... I wouldn't need to wait a night before I can watch my downloaded movies/series. Downside of living in Malaysia is that you get really crappy internet speed. Yay (NOTE THE SARCASM).

So I have actually been planning to do some baking and stuff during the holidays but... I'm kinda worried about the cakes/cookies because I don't actually wanna finish eating all of them considering the fact that I'm trying very hard to eat clean... and there isn't school so I can't give them away :( Might have to just limit my baking I guess.

Have you guys heard of Wattpad? Well, if you don't, click on your playstore or something and download it! If you LOVE reading and hate carrying books around(like me), then I really suggest you get this amazing app! It has tons of books ranging from famous ones to fan fiction even! Am currently SO addicted to reading fanfics(specially 1D ones because oh you know, I just really love fantasizing about the boys...)! PLUS IT'S FREE!!!!! So go on and get it!

I also should be starting revision for my Form 4 syllabus. I don't know why I'm so lazy when there isn't school!!!! I have so many movies and series episodes to watch though... TVD is defs one of em!!! I've been patiently waiting for at least 6 episodes to air then I could download them to watch at one go and my patience has paid off! So yay, I'll download them sooner or later this week I guess.

I think I have been stuck at home for too long... I haven't been anywhere lately! Friends are mostly on vacation or some place else and I am Can't wait for them to get back!!!! I have to go out... I need some shopping therapy. Plus, I definitely HAVE to try Chatime that just recently opened at Spring! That's an excuse to go out right?!

Anyway I guess this is it for this post! I'll update you guys on how extremely fun my holiday is going to be. (Note the sarcasm)  I really need to get a curler or a straightener to use as a curler. Gosh I hate how flat my hair is!!!! Enjoy this photo of my failed attempt at being "gangsta" ^^

, xx
Saturday, October 27, 2012


Sometimes things that happen in life makes you wonder if true friendship exists. I mean, I don't know about you guys but sometimes I lay in bed and piece together stories or events and try to figure out what that means. Like if somebody doing something means anything or what they're motives are. You can call it over thinking but I guess you can't really argue because that's what people do with their God-given brains.

Right now, I don't think I believe in the term "best friends". I mean, it sounds so alien to me now. What does that even mean? Honestly, you can't really have best friends anymore in this generation. People just step on you until they're above you and stomp you right down to the dirt after they're done with you. I don't believe that there will be that someone who will always be brutal honest with you anymore. It's really rare to get a best friend now. Though, I'm not saying there aren't exceptions out there but right now, it sure seems like none. One minute you have a best friend who you tell all to and the next minute they're packed up and gone. No more talking like last time. No more secrets to be shared among. No more best friend.

The ugly truth is that people change. No matter how you try to deny it or cover them. They change. They move on to better people. They leave you behind.

Thing that confuses me is that why would you wanna be friends with a person you don't actually like in the first place. If it was me, I just would really rather ignore that person. Better than stabbing them in the back and have a whole load of shit happen innit. If you didn't like that person or never will, then just steer clear. Don't be friends in the first place. It would be waaay easier. Trust me. Why would you try so hard to be loving and tell a billion nice lies to a person you don't like? Why waste that effort? What is the point. Why would you go around making up rumours or just spreading shit about someone you don't like. A word of advice would be to just shut up if you have nothing nice to say.

To think we were ever friends. No wait, I don't think you ever treated me as a real friend because you don't even like me. Hearing this from someone else even. Well, like I said, I piece together stuff so I kinda did see this coming but I was stupid and naive enough to give people chances. I need to work on this bad habit.

This whole thing frustrates me to the bone! But that's alright, since I'm SO used to it, I'll just shut up like usual and just be all neutral from now on. It would make my life so much easier and stress free. Words will not be able to truly express how I feel so I am honestly just wasting my time typing out this rant but w/e, at least I got it off my chest.

, xx

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