Monday, November 14, 2011


I love love love the rain! I don't know why but I just feel all calm and relaxed while hearing the raindrops pitter pattering on the roof. And the smell of rain just soothes me! Does that make me weird? Lol. What I love the most is when it rains during bedtime! I always sleep better when it rains. Its just so refreshing! Thank God that he gave us such wonderful things :) I don't know why but some people like my mum for instance hates the rain...

Anyway, I'm sorry for updating this late. I just finished a movie with my dad and brother. Shawn of the dead. It's a pretty cool comedy.

Spent today doing chores as per usual because I don't have school and I'm cool that way. I spent the morning online figuring out how to change my tumblr dash theme and finally did it! I am a proud tumblrian right now. Also changed my tumblr theme! I don't really read tutorials because I have this habit of wanting to find out stuff on my own. Is that bad?

I wanted to go out to get FD5 dvd but dad said it was raining too heavily and stuff so my plans failed...But in return we watched the movie I just mentioned hehe. I wanted to dye my hair a lighter brown but mom won't allow it. I've been asking for a week now and all she does is repeat her answer, You can't dye your hair because it's already brown and it'll be hard for you to have it back the way it was when school reopens so the answer is still no. See, I can memorize her answer now. Ugh.... I can just dye it back black when school reopens but no, she's afraid that I'll get cancer or something. Why is your hair dyed then mom? WHY WHY WHY 

Christmas is in a month or so. Recently have been going out to shop for presents and also Chinese New Year clothes. Its coming pretty early next year. Despite the fact that I'm chinese, I will never get the whole chinese calendar thing. So, christmas and new year stuff i'm hoping to get,

  • Board shorts from ovigal
  • cool printed tees
  • a lomo/instax camera
  • a new school bag
  • decorations for my room
the list goes on and on.........



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