Friday, March 15, 2013

Exhausted Birthday

Or should i say belated? Yes, I am finally 17! Don't know what to feel come to think about it... Though I am happy because exams are over!!! :) BUT I regret not studying earlier. I should really learn how to manage my time well especially for preparing for SPM which is... 7 months away. I have learned my lesson for not revising early and maaaan it sucks. I need to pull my grades up---FAST. I love English but somehow I don't think I did well this time round in exams. I feel like a failure and i feel as if i've disappointed my teacher and crap. ughhh

Not to mention, I had the runs and nausea on my freaking birthday. Wow best birthday ever huh? Though I am super grateful to have such amazing friends! Received wishes the day before, right on the clock and early morning on my birthday when I was cramming for biology! They managed to surprise me on my birthday with cake and presents. I was touched ;-; I love them to bits.

I can't wait for the one week holiday!!! I have so much catching up to do on studies and my biology assignment and my social life. Wow i need a life... But patience and endurance is the key because in another few months, I'll be free from school!!!!(ok maybe only for a while but i'll make that count.)

Sooo packed this weekend :s Have to go for prefects' talk and prepare for our performance and what more to say I need my sleep because I have been sick ugh Its actually a miracle for me to able to still be awake and functioning with only 2 hours of sleep from last night. Yes, I sat for my chemistry paper with no revision done and only two hours of sleep. Yay. Cannot wait for my results. DO YOU SENSE MY SARCASM. OK.

I guess that's all for this post boobies. Ciao.




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