Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Ahh hello! I didn't go to school today hehe ^^ They had a futsal match but i guess it just doesn't interest me which is why i skipped school. Anyways, I had period pains this morning too.

So happy because I don't have school tomorrow too! And I just heard that they won't be changing Science and Mathematics into BM! Thank God really because it would be a shame to see everyone's grades go down just because they changed the language into BM because we've been studying science and maths in english since forever!

I'm watching PLAYFUL KISS now and I have alot of other variety and dramas to watch for this coming holiday~ woooo So my holiday will be quite packed ^^

But dad and mom asked me to look for a job and recommended my uncle's phone shop omo no way!! It would be a pain working for someone who knows you not to mention a relative. I don't want to work during the holidays ;~; I'm not even old enough to work yet and it would be considered child labor to have me work.

Aish.....anyway i will go back to my drama now~! Annyeong^^ I will update soon.



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