Friday, November 11, 2011

Feeling down

Went to school today to get our exercise books for next year. It was pretty boring actually... Had a really long assembly for I don't even know what. Pretty upset because next year's gonna be hard due to the change of the system in school. They're really dumb to change the co curricular activities to the weekdays. We won't be able to have time for tuition and homework anymore! Not to mention not having enough time for naps :(

Anyway, our class won quite a few hampers from PASCA PMR and we had a little party in the classroom where we opened up most of the hampers we received :D but I didn't get to eat most of it because noone gave me any and i had to watch my weight and diet :(

We ended pretty early today at around 10am, had no where to go after school so we decided to head to Hills shopping mall. Well at first bev, angelina and ivy were with me but then they had to leave to catch a movie....and so there was me. Alone. At hills. I didn't follow them for the movie because they were gonna watch some chinese show which i had absolutely no interest in so yeah. Ended up at hills with hui hui and jordan and the rest. I felt so left out while i was with them....Note to self: don't follow them out anymore. I mean seriously they were all going about their business and i was literally left there sitting alone ranting through twitter. Sucks at the time. So much for being gentlemen, guys. I swear, you'd all fail if there was an exam or something for how well you treat a girl. I mean, I may not be pretty or what ever you call it but I am still a girl. I'm sorry just I'm not your definition of hot/sexy/pretty/what shit.

Truth be told, yes, I get jealous easily but I don't show it. Because getting jealous of someone talking to you when you aren't even mine, it's just not right. I try so hard to be your friend and have a proper conversation with you and all you do is put me off with negative comments. Hurtful comments, like i'm not thin enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not fun, mean. You try being in my shoes once in a while. Liking you isn't the best decision i've made. It's probably the worst one. Which is why I want to hate you. Hate you so much that I'll have you out of my face and life forever. I know this may seem mean but it's the only way. I don't want to like a guy who has never, not once, had feelings for me. 

So yes, pretty bad day today. I'm still feeling kinda down because report cards were handed out today and mom kept nagging about how my co curricular activities marks aren't good enough. It's not like i didn't want to go....well yes okay maybe i don't want to go but its because its too boring. If they made it a little more fun maybe it could be better. So don't blame me, blame the school.

Sigh, if only life could be a little better now...Okay, i'm gonna go watch some videos and just go to bed.



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