Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day out

Haven't been blogging recently so I kinda have tons to say? Well first things first, I had fun while hanging out with Ivy, Jordan and Melvin today! We watched Breaking Dawn and apparently it was really good! I didn't expect it to be this good. So I'm really looking forward for Part 2 of the movie. We hanged out abit at Spring then went to grab something to eat. Yeah, I pretty much had fun :)

Anyway, when dad came round to pick me up, we decided to go look for this exercise band thingy where you can pull it with your hands while stepping on it. Finally found it at OneTJ!

Oh and i met Aiman at Spring! Pretty cool to meet her like that. She was super pretty in real life whereas on the other hand i looked like crap.


Okay now for you guys' information, I get pretty annoyed easily. And some people just seriously piss me off where I have this urge to ask them mean questions or give sarcastic comments but I tend to keep it inside because I want to be nice. Although....I have to admit I get pretty mean at times he he he. No joke.

Questions and stuff I feel like saying to a certain few people:

  • Why do you have to be so annoying? You keep asking for people's attention when fact is noone actually gives a shit ok. You need to shut up. 
  • Stop being so vain okay. We don't wanna know how you look like eating or pooping or when you're mad or how big your face it. Stop it. Fact is noone cares ok. NO ONE.
  • I wish you would just stfu and never talk again
  • Stop taking pictures of yourself okay. I'm not pretty but at least I don't take 462865876528 and post it on facebook stating that "I'm ugly T-T" "So fat" if you are what you say then why would you post it up in the first place.
  • Stop taking fake photos. We all know you edit them.
  • Stop taking photos with the same expression everytime. The only thing that's changed in the photos are your clothes gfdhakjgfhjas
  • We do not need to know when and where you are doing whatever crap you're doing. You don't have to post everything that's going on in your life y'know
  • If you're gonna update your status a billion times in one hour then i suggest you get a twitter ok

THERE IS SO MUCH MORE OKAY BUT I'M BEING NICE TODAY so this is it till now. I need to stop getting annoyed so easily



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