Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dedicated to those who have had my back

This is gonna be a sappy thank you post hehe. I was thinking about how time flies so fast and all the friends I've lost and made. It's quite sad I have to admit I lost so many friends but God gave me back wonderful friends in return.

I still remember when I was in Form 1 where I was afraid that I would lose my best friend to someone else. Guess what? I did. She abandoned me and found new friends. She wasn't there when I got heartbroken. She wasn't there at all. But I forgave her. I went on with my life. And then there were some friends who secretly hated me. They hated me so much, they spread stupid rumors about me. No one knew I cried a lot during my first year.

Form 2 got a little bit better when I moved to another class. At first, more than half of the class hated on me for I don't know what reason. And yes that included my close friends now. But I forgave them. I have a feeling it must be because of the rumors but let's not talk about that. Anyway, I found really good friends in my class now. I've been with my new class for 2 years already and its going to be heart breaking to separate from them next year. I'm really glad I have my friends now. Specially Ivy, Angelina, Beverely, Jordan and Kebin. Btw, Kebin is a year younger. Hehe I was introduced to him last year and we've been great friends since! These few friends have helped me through alot. We always have fun together although the first few months were kinda rough when we just met. But we got through all our differences and now we're the closest of friends! Of course there are other friends who were nice to me and are close with me too! Thank you guys though... I mean, seriously, I had such a rough time in form 1 I never thought I would make such good friends again.

Form 3 was the best year I've ever had! I had so much fun with my class! I love them to bits even though they do get a little annoying.. But we had so much fun together. This is probably one year that I will never forget. I admit there were times that we fought and had drama but in the end we made up and got back together right? But it was the best. I'm soooo glad I was changed into B class!

You guys proved me wrong. So wrong.

Next year we might not be in the same class. The same school even. I'm really sad about it but I want our friendship to remain intact! I really do! I hope we'll be able to hang out and stuff just like we did for the past few years. Nothing can stop us from doing that right? We all just have to put in effort to keep in touch and hang out is all :)

Oh and for those who hate me. Well, I have nothing to say to you guys because you guys are just you. I can't stop you from hating me. All I can do is be nice to you but however you want to treat me back is your choice. If you can't handle me, don't be in my life then. I really don't care. But I just wanna say thank you. Thank you for making me stronger by putting me through all those bullshit and letting me down just so I can come back stronger. Last but not least, fuck you all and have a good life.

To Ivy:
Don't say that we won't be close anymore okay!! Look at me and Jordan, we aren't in the same class but we still hang and are still close friends! Don't worry!!!! You are closest to me and thank you for being there even though sometimes you ignore me and stuff. You really do okay. Sometimes you don't even know when I talk to you D: I feel so sad....... You must promise me not to forget me next year alright?! I love you~~



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