Tuesday, May 29, 2012

WiFi deprived and an update from Sunday

I'm super happy right now! If you've been reading my tweets you should know that my WiFi broke down 4 days ago and I was left without the internet. It wasn't cool because I couldn't do anything!

But its all good now because the nice man from TM came and got it working again. Apparently it was due to the recent thunderstorms that's been happening....

Anyway I'm now happy because I can finally go online and download my TVD and glee episodes!!!!

So on Sunday, ivy and I had last minute decisions to go to her house and have a movie marathon. It was actually cancelled because a few people couldn't come but we decided otherwise in the end because we were bored to death. We ended up watching 孩子不坏 and Devil Inside(I clung next to Jordan all the way through the movie ughhh) and nahum was hilarious when he got spooked by Clarence.

The milkshakes Clarence made were A+! Though it could've been better with sprinkles of hundreds and thousands(just saying~~~).

Had my first cup of hielo frozen yogurt too! It was heavenly. SO going back for more the next time.

Since it was so much fun, we're already in talks of having another one of these movie marathons!!!!! Last minute ones are the best tho because its like you get the thrill of texting people asking if they're free and rushing to meet up at wherever in like an hour or so.

Also got myself a pair of fitflops because I love mama's pair so I decided to get a pair for myself! Thank you mama for paying! Love you to bits x

Well I guess that's all for this update? Will update whenever I come on again!

P/s I'm SO excited for sabah!

Beatrice, xx



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