Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bonding night

Hey guys! It's been quite a while since I last posted hasn't it?

Just came back from a barbecue and I smell like lamb and chicken right now. Nonetheless, it was an amazing night spent with classmates!

Basically, I am super sleep deprived because its been a tiring week. Slept at 1am ish on Friday and had to wake up early at 6am for cocurricular activities at school. That was just the beginning of a frantic fun filled day. Promised myself not to eat too much today but ended up downing McDonald's hot cakes and coffee after a bowl of oats for breakfast at 6am. Practically spent the whole morning with Xinjie, Bev, Ivy and Irving at McD catching up.

Today was the first time in my life that I handled raw meat. It smelt like wet dogs... Specially the chicken. The lamb smelt good though. It smelt like vanilla hahahaha. Amy came over and we went grocery shopping for the barbecue tonight! We waaaay underestimated the prices and ran out of money to get food for the night. Thank God my dad was there.


I just love hanging out with my friends. Specially like tonight where it was just us and food around the table and everyone squeezing around it getting all comfy like a campfire! I would honestly prefer doing stuff like this than a movie or going out to eat because its just more comfortable because you can talk and play games and share stuff. Its like friend bonding!

Oh and I attempted the Chubby Bunny challenge. It's on my facebook so yeah... I totally forgot to say Chubby Bunny because I was too busy choking on marshmallows.

That's pretty much it for tonight because I am dead tired.

, xx



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