Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas! Well...almost

Hey guys! Just came back from two days one night stay at Damai with the family. It was pretty boring considering the fact that the day before we came there was a flood and the pool and beach are closed because of it -_-

Anyway, Merry Christmas! Well almost Merry Christmas but you get the idea right? Also just got back from the annual Christmas Family Gathering! There was LOADS of food. And by loads I actually mean loads. Then there was the present giving and all that. Well, I being the oldest there only got an angpau.......They didn't know what to get for me lol.Oh and I love love loved the gingerbread man cookie! It was so yummy hurrrrrrrrrr 

I got a spray on tattoo at Damai. I love it to bits! I'm considering getting a real one.... yeah. My dad allows it as long as its a proper one and not too big. I was thinking of getting an inspirational word tattoo or like a really pretty design at my hand or ankle or neck or back :3 Condition is, I have to wait till I'm legal OTL but that's okay. I'll wait cause if I did it now, I'll have to hide it from school D: it'll be so hard. 

I'm having a pretty bad flu and fever now and I'm wondering if I should go to bed because my head is throbbing but... I really wanna stay up late and wish everyone a Merry Christmas at 12 sharp :< It's so hard to decide....

I've put on weight and I haven't been exercising in two weeks! I feel so fat and ugly. This is what I get for being lazy all the time :( But NO, this won't do! I have to get in shape before school starts and start losing kgs. MUST LOSE AT LEAST 3KGs before school opens!! I have a week to do it so YES I CAN YES I CAN. I gotta stop eating so much because all I've been doing since Thursday night is eat and eat and eat :< 

If only I had the power to not eat but still feel full. THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME

Guess this is it for now. Merry Christmas again guys! x



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