Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year's guys! It's finally 2012. I don't know why but people keep posting status after status about 2012. I mean, guys, I get it...You're happy for 2012 but you don't have to post a billion statuses about it do you? This is why I don't want to sign into facebook right now. It's literally a mess. I'm only on tumblr and twitter now, as per usual.

Anyways, just got back like an hour ago from family's New Year's Eve gathering. Had a fun barbecue at uncle's house although I didn't actually eat the barbecued stuff except for the sausages because I gotta admit they were smashing. We also had a steamboat thing going on there so I basically had soup and some fish balls for dinner. Hot and spicy tom yamish soup lol. I kinda have this liking to spicy food. All except wasabi because that is just a little too overrated. I really do admire Japanese people who can eat it. Respect.

Roasted marshmallows! While on the way there,I just had to stop at choice daily to get some marshmallows! I got a pack of original flavoured ones and chocolate flavoured ones :9 Which were...AMAZING! They tasted so soft on the inside yet crunchy and all tough on the outside.

Moving on, OK I made myself a set-list for 2012. I'm gonna put 101% effort into completing this list because I just have to! First thing on the list is to lose weight and then reach my goal weight. After all of that, then I'll concentrate on getting girl abs :3 Study smart and work hard in everything! Keep close and hang out with old friends and of course be a friendlier person and make new ones! Well, that's just part of the list. I can't exactly write it out because it IS kinda private. All I want from you guys is to wish me luck in reaching my goals! P/S most of them are kinda from my bucket list but w/e~

Right now I'm entering into 2012 by watching One Direction videos on YouTube, tumblring, tweeting(I feel like an anti-social nub) and getting annoyed by the sound of continuously loud firework explosions outside. Bloody loud explosions I tell you.

Guys!!!!!! I haven't showered since last year!!!!!!(OKAY lame ass joke I know. Forgive me. I couldn't help it!)

Reblogging tons of 2012 wishes on tumblr. Check it out by clicking on the tumblr link above!

That's all for this post. Beatrice out xx



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