Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So yes, from the title you would've already known what I'm going to blog about today. Skipping that....HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUI HUI! Have a smashing good year this year and of course I hope that we'll be closer than ever! Lots of love~

Anyways, hi guys! Just came back from a smashing party even though I didn't gamble and stuff. Actually, I really only hanged with Ivy and Angelina.....But that's okay. It was so fun I swear! Sang maniacally to One Direction and lots of other artists while the others were busy trying their luck on gambling. Had KFC as dinner but I was a good girl and stayed away from anything fried or dipped in oil. I only had the mashed potato and some coleslaw(WHICH WAS FUCKING DELICIOUS I TELL YOU).

Passing time, Ivy and I taught each other some basic exercises and did stretches ehehehehehehe. Also had tons of fun cam-whoring with the birthday girl of course! But I won't be posting the photos here because it's all in Facebook anyway. You guys can try your luck by finding my profile and check for yourself! I was really happy tonight because Ignatius said I was thinner than before! Which means what I'm doing is working! Yay!!! Shall do my best and keep putting my all in slimming down and hopefully----reach 45kg soon.

I am really worn out today. Spent literally the whole day out! I didn't even have time to update my Facebook or something. Sent off Liyana at the airport this afternoon :< Really sad to see her leave and hopefully I'll be able to go over to KL next time(hopefully this year *fingers crossed*). All I could do when I came home was have a snack and bathe to get ready for the party. So basically I'm half asleep now. OMFG Jordan's perfume is stuck on my tee!!!!

Long day ahead tomorrow! Going visiting with the gang and old classmates! Can't wait!! Although I haven't quite figured out what outfit to wear tomorrow(BIGGEST GIRL DILEMMA EVER!!). I shall be spending the whole day talking to Ivy, Angelina and Bev tomorrow and hopefully take some photos because I haven't had photos taken of me and Ivy in a long time :( One more thing to look forward to(not) is the food!!! Shall resist all temptation and only have water and a few cookies just because I want to control my weight and watch my food(currently going on a healthy and strict diet). I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

Well that's probably it for today. Goodnight! Shall go watch some Glee episodes! xxxx




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