Sunday, January 29, 2012


One week has gone by so fast! Chinese New Year was just a few days ago. I can feel time going by faster by the year I swear. I don't know man I mean seriously, it's like one minute you wake up and it's Chinese New Year morning and you receive angpaos and the next you're arranging your school bag and getting ready for school. Oh my gosh...24 hours a day just isn't enough anymore!!!!

How I wish I could go back to when I was in kindergarten. Life was waaaaaaay easier back then where you only had bruises, food and cartoon shows to worry about. When I was little, I've always wanted to grow up quickly and be a teenager where I thought had much more fun and freedom than from being little. I REGRET EVERYTHING SO CAN I PLEASE BE 6 AGAIN. I mean it's not that being 16 isn't fun....but it's like, life is so complicated and you have so much to worry about. I'm probably at that stage where either you just wanna grow up and be 18 or you just wanna go back in time and be little again.

But I guess time can't turn back(not unless if you come across magical stuff like a genie lamp or something..but who am I kidding). I just have to face the fact and reality that I am growing up and there's nothing I can do to stop me. OK. So I've been thinking a lot lately and if I had kids, I would want their childhood to be the best time of their lives ever. Although not saying that I would spoil them and give them whatever they want. I'll be a fun mom. I sound so old when I call myself a mom.....But if I did become a mom, I would want a daughter and a son.

And I don't know if it's just me but....Have you guys ever wondered who you'll end up marrying? Or like, what is your other half doing or where he/she is in the world right now? How you'd look like when you grow old? How your kids would look like...... I always have weird thoughts that normal sane people would never think of but yeah...

Anyway, it's back to school and studying and shit tomorrow! Gotta rest well and wake up early :< On the bright side, there are friends~

That's prolly it for now. Bye!

, xxx



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