Friday, February 10, 2012

Melancholy etc

Evening lovelies~ I have been so busy lately with school and my social life, I haven't had time to come on the laptop to write posts :( Finally found the time now and so I shall talk about what I have been feeling the past few weeks.

So recently I haven't been in the best mood because of everything that's happening around me. Wait! First for happy news. Amy, Tania and me made a Glee Club in school! I was a little at doubt at first but super proud of Amy for accomplishing it! She's the president btw. It was really wonderful that many students wanted in but unfortunately every club has its limits. First come first serve as they say! We plan to make Glee an active club like how you see in the series! We'll have performances and theme week and everything! It will be so so so exciting!!!!

Okay done and done with that. Now moving on...

Recently I've been well sorting out my feelings. You could put it that way... Also facing some family drama pfft. Mom has been crazy recently. Literally. It's like she's going through mid-life crisis or something. She's so mean everytime and not to mention shouts and screams at everyone. So yes, I haven't talked to her since she started acting that way. Only simple yes or no answers because I really can't be bothered to argue with her anymore. It's actually pointless...

Also been sorting through my do I put it...heart? I guess you could say that. It's just really hard recently because I just cannot tell black and white apart. It's like yes and no at the same time y'know? I don't want to have a crush...But it's just so hard because everytime the feelings lessen, he comes back and all my hard work just goes POOF. Ugh why can't he just stop. I wished he knew but then I don't because I bet things would be weirder then. If only I knew who he liked. I don't know man...I just think it would be easier to forget someone when you know he likes someone else. BUT ITS SO HARD TO TELL GSDHJGFASHJ!!!!!!! DO I LIKE HIM OR NOT?!?!?!?!? BEATRICE GET YOUR FEELINGS STRAIGHT!!!!!!!

I want to thank Ivy for giving me advice whenever I'm feeling sad and confused. She is the best ;-; I love you although sometimes you are so mean to me and scream at me~ HAHAHAHAHA

Today Jordan and Dominic were trolling around with me. They were so mean!! They made a plan where both of them asks me out then started saying RM50 for whatever shit they're up to. Suspected they were fooling around from the beginning. Ended up ignoring both of them the rest of the day... well not Jordan... I did talk to him when school ended but then he went poof after I talked to Ivy and Angelina.

Okay.. well that's what happened. Shall update soon(or later)(EXAMS ARE COMING IN LIKE 3 WEEKS FSDHJAGFHJGFAH)




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