Friday, March 9, 2012


Hey guys! Haven't posted in a while huh? I was busy cramming for exams. Note to self: NEVER START CRAMMING THE LAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE EXAMS OMFG. You'll literally have NO time at all! Specially with all the new science subjects like biology, physics, add maths and chemistry. I had one hell of a time cramming and trying to understand everything I swear I was gonna snap and go mental or something but thank God I didn't.

Okay so by the title you could most probably tell what this post is gonna be about. It's more about my exam results and stuff because I know I didn't do my best this first exam of form 4. As Ivy tweeted and I quote, "Hoping for the best but expecting the worst." Add maths would probably be my weakest subject right now... Or maybe chemistry... Or even physics... Yeah well I don't really know but I'm listening to dad's advice and leaving it all to God. I tried my hardest and now all I can do is wait. And if I do badly this time, well, dad said and I quote, "Let bygones be bygones and try harder next time."

Holidays just started like two hours ago! So much stuff to do and so little time to do it! I've got a biology assignment, bio notes, BM homework and I've got novels and books and what more to say piles and piles of movies to watch! Plus, I've got the school magazine thingo to deal with... Planning to do most of the work during the first few days of the holidays and then some R&R after.

Can't wait for tomorrow! Going to this prem round of high school idol/talent competition thing with Amy and Kebin! It's really sad because I wanted Ivy to go but she couldn't make it because she'll be having her piano exam on Monday :( But that's okay because we'll hang out during my birthday! Planning to watch a movie with the girls in the AM and then have dinner with friends during the PM.

Cannot wait to get the holidays started!!!! But I promised myself that after this short holiday, I'll start working harder and revising and stuff in order to do better for the next exam(let's hope I'll be able to keep to my word)(FINGERS CROSSED)...

Anyway, as I promised myself, after today's exam, when I get back home, I shall sleep till its time for tuition tonight! Gotta put back all the sleep I've lost during the time spent studying for exams... Feeling so, so, so tired even now. Slept for only 3 hours or so today because I don't know body alarm is fucked up because of the exam.

This probably all for now. I'll update more I promise!

, xxx



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