Sunday, March 11, 2012


Every girl has gotta admit they LOVE shopping. Not one girl could say that they don't. Whenever we girls see clothes, it's like a different person has taken over and all you wanna do is to try on clothes/shoes, take photos in them and buy them. It's like this cycle thing...

So yeah, I've been on a shopping spree! Mainly because my birthday is coming soon and well I wanted a camera but then again...I don't really use cameras because I use my phone for everything already including taking photos. So I decided to ask my dad for a shopping spree! And he and mom agreed! So yes, I went to Spring yesterday and today to get clothes! I bought 3 printed tees(I just LOVE t-shirts!) and a pair of shorts :3 I'm still looking for that perfect pair of flats though... And come to think of it, most of my t-shirts are like white LOL. So this time I bought a grey one, a red one and a white one. I love white so like yeah...

Had dinner at Porkie's today! Heard Melvin say it was good and dad's friend recommended it so dad said we'd give it a try. OMFG THE SALAD WAS SMASHING AWESOME I TELL YOU. It's like really big so you have to share it among friends/family. I had the vegetarian spaghetti and it was...something new. I've never tasted anything like it... It was an experience lol. Best early birthday dinner ever!

Anyway, I WOULD REALLY RECOMMEND PORKIE'S FGSDHJGFSDH. It's like value for money there. Good food at a reasonable price! I didn't take photos though... but the atmosphere was cool. I like the water fans.Tried putting my face in front of one..heh..not the best idea.. LESSON LEARNT.

Gonna have a busy week after today! Assignments and plans with friends not to mention homework and movies to watch! But I shall have Wednesday as an off day from school stuff. Mainly because I'll be having an all out day with the gang! Gonna watch a movie then a dinner gathering! Looking forward to it :3

Speaking of friends, saw Adrian yesterday at the Spring! Oh my gosh I couldn't recognize him at all! I did thought it was him...But I shook it off because it wasn't the Adrian I knew from years ago! He has changed so, so, so much(in a good way)(He became much more hotter)(but no I don't have a crush on him)(He's like my good friend pffsh)! When me, my dad and my bro were at the food court, he was there and I didn't know. But he walked up to me and said hi. I was in some sort of shock lol. I felt really bad that I couldn't recognize him :( But we did have a decent conversation about alot of stuff and agreed to meet up soon! Can't wait to see him again!

I still have to shop for a pair of nice flats and get a blazer or more cardigans(I love cardigans. Don't you just love cardigans?).

Well this is it for the night! Going to catch up on Dream High 2 because everyone says its good and besides, Vampire Diaries and Glee hasn't aired their new episodes yet... so yes. Bye for now.

, xxx



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