Monday, March 12, 2012

"Love" & "Friendship"

Yes. I used the commas because it is what it is. So called love and so called friendship.This is a post dedicated to love and friends. Lol it's pretty obvious from the title anyway so yeah. Not gonna mention any names or stuff to keep everything private. What I'm going to talk about is based on my opinion and feelings so no offence.

I don't know man... "Love." The word sounds so beautiful yet it can be the ugliest and toughest thing to go through. Lots of people claim that they "love" their other half only after like, what? 2 weeks of being together? I don't know about you but I think the word "love" isn't to be used just like that. That word is for special moments, the right moments. Using it often can just make it sound really cheap. Specially "I love yous". If a person keeps saying that then it wouldn't sound special or have its meaning anymore when you really mean it and want to say it. People should really learn how to use it properly because honestly its just pissing me off how people use it just any time or any way they want. Its so frustrating and annoying! I have never experienced love. Infatuation and admiration yes but love? Never. I have yet to experience it but I for one know for sure that love isn't something you'd develop after only a month or so together.

For those couples that have only been together for like 2 weeks, don't think you're with the right person just yet and use I love yous like every single day. It gets really old and the meaning of it would wear off. Plus, I bet you don't even have a clue what love feels like yet. So just don't use it if you're gonna break up one month after. It's pathetic. You're probably just a serial dater who breaks hearts or gets heartbreaks every month or two.

And if you claim to love someone or whatever, then prove it. Prove to him or her that you really care. Not just by sweet talking. Show it. Your actions are what matters most. And if you're just gonna give up liking someone just because then I suggest you don't like that person in the first place. Easier said then done I know but what's the point of telling of telling a person you like them if you're just gonna give everything up when someone doesn't approve of you guys? All that effort, gone just like that. If you really did like that person then you wouldn't have given everything up so easily now would you? You would've persevered and never give up because only then it would show how much you really care for that person. Unless of course, you're only liking that person for their looks. Or because everyone likes that one person and it would make you feel superior over everyone if you were with that someone(now this is just plain wrong)(this person just deserves multiple whacks on the head or something).

And don't let jealousy ruin any friendship because in my opinion that's just plain stupid. Don't let a guy get in the way of your friendship girls! Girlfriends always come first. Unless of course your girlfriends are fake friends then I suggest you better walk away now before any big drama happens. And never make your friends choose between you and a guy she might like. That's just cruel. I mean, what would you do if you were in her shoes? I bet you'd get all pissed and shit. It won't mean that when they're together they'll forget you. You should know better. What you're doing, is REALLY childish. I'm not even joking... Just because you might not like the guy your friend's crushing on doesn't mean you have to make your friend choose between him and you. If you were her real friend, you wouldn't do that. Because friends are always there for each other no matter what. Through thick and thin. If the guy your friend likes is a plain jerk then tell her how you feel about her and the guy and what the guy is like. Don't keep it in you and use your friend as an anger releasing dummy. I'M SO FRUSTRATED I WANT TO HIT YOU UGHHHH

Moving on... Friends. What are friends exactly? For me, friends are people who come into your life for a reason and stay there no matter how shitty or rough your life is. They're always going to be there for you to pick you up when you fall. So I've been told that when you're in high school that's where you're going to know who your real friends are. I guess I've found mine. I love them with all my heart even though sometimes I get frustrated and blow up on them and shit. But you do know that I love you guys right?

For some people on the other hand, thank you for using me and putting me through hell because you know what? Fuck you. I've grown stronger and wiser because of you. So-called friends. Pffsh. I was always nice to you and helped you with whatever but you guys fucking used me. You only come to me when you need it and have no friends. You think I'm stupid enough to not know? You fucking think so low of me? I shouldn't have let you in my life the first place but that's too bad because I'm a more decent person than you and I did let you in. But never again. You're not friends to me. You're just strangers. No, you're invisible to me. As far as I'm concerned, you don't exist. Yes I know what I'm saying now is mean. But think again about what you did because that's even worse. Word of advice, change your fucking attitude and get rid of your huge ego because unless you want to live a sad and friendless life then yeah, sure, go ahead and be a total bitch.  Lucky you that I'm not the kind of person who'd take revenge because it's stupid. You and your bullshit can just go away because I don't need any more of you and your ego in my life. Arrogant cunts.

I'm far better of without you guys.
So annoyed right now I'm just gonna stop and watch some Dream High.




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