Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

I'm finally 16!!!! 

You'd probably thought I had a big wild bash for turning 16 but no, mine was the exact opposite. I'm not saying it wasn't fun. My birthday this year was one of the best! I got to spend it with friends and family! So my day kinda went like this...

Got wishes on facebook and I am sincerely grateful to all of you who wished me. Thank you to everyone who birthday spammed my wall! I should have realised something was fishy when Jordan kept asking me to text him when I wake up the next morning...Guess what? He decided to surprise me with a cake outside my house on a rainy Wednesday morning while I looked like crap after waking up and was still in my pyjamas... Though I have to admit I was surprised and happy because it was really nice of him to do that!

To Jordan:
Thank you times a billion for the cake! I found out that you told Ivy about your plan.........didn't she tell you that I didn't like cake? ahahahaha anyway thank you though! 

Anyway, then I spent most of the morning at the clinic because the kakak that comes to my house every two weeks for cleaning got injured(her feet got cut by the window and the skin split in half)(sounds icky I know but it isn't as bad as it sounds), so we brought her to the clinic to get it stitched up(okay maybe it is bad)(but on the bright side, she's better now!). I don't know if it was only me but I think it was cool when I watched the doctor stitch her feet skin part up. There was lots of blood but meh. Could've been worse... I'm glad she was brave enough though. Held her hand through most of it(I am a nice person ok)(I hold people's hands when they need it).

After getting back, I rushed to shower because I had a meet up with the girls at like 1. I ended up being the earliest getting there so I spent my time reading books at MPH(I like books okay cause you know...books are cool). So then when Angelina reached, we went to get the tickets for the movie. Met so many people along the way............which was kinda awkward. Not to mention the place was crawling with lala people(ew ew ew ew ew)(stop being lala my god)(you make me feel embarrassed to be chinese)(pffsh chinese girl stereotypes).

We watched John Carter and OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT. It's like awesome, funny and action-packed all in one movie. Plus the female lead is gorgeous I swear. She has these blue eyes and omg I literally drooled when I saw them. And the pet alien dog thing was so cute! Woola, was the name if I'm not mistaken. So freaking adorable!!!!! Oooh I also wanna watch The Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman(mainly because Andrew Garfield is in it and he's hot) and G.I Joe: Retaliation. I swear their trailers were top notch!!!

Decided to not be mad at people because it was my birthday and plus I'm nice so yeah. Cos I was pretty bummed that like half of the people I invited couldn't make it because they had better stuff to do :<

After the movie, we went window shopping because we were all broke and wanted to save money for dinner later on. I saw these pair of really cute flats at Padini ughhhhh I want them so bad but I've already bought a pair like yesterday! Regretful now... But that's okay because I'll save up for them eventually. And I saw so many cool clothes at Padini(they were having half off!!!!) but felt like crying because I know mom wouldn't let me get any more new clothes ;-;

Went for dinner at Sushi King because we all felt like having Japanese. I had the best food ever oh my god I loved the tiny sushi rolls and the potato thingy with corn inside. Diet aside for today! Friends said I have to enjoy because it's a once in a year thing so yeah. But I have to get back to exercising and my diet tomorrow or asap!!!

All in all today was pretty much awesome. Dad bought me a belt! Finally~ I have been searching for a decent belt for ages and finally found one at Nichii today!

I guess that's all for this update. Shall watch dream high now. P/S sorry for the long and macam post lol. I don't really have the mood to write because 1. I am dead tired(but w/e because I wanna watch my show) 2. My hands are literally typing on their own=blabbing by hand 3. I AM TIRED GFASHJGFSDHJAGFAH

here's a photo though:

Ok bye~




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