Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Terrible condition

Haven't been feeling at my very best since my birthday. I've been having fevers and throbbing headaches ever since! It literally sucks because you cannot do anything without being annoyed because your headache is killing you.

So yes, hi. I'm sick and stayed at home skipping school for today(which has a good and bad side. Good being not able to go to school and face crap and bad being having this horribly annoying headache and a body that feels like its been beaten). I couldn't even get out of bed(which btw I'm still in) today when my alarm went off. Decided to sleep it off when mom barged into my room telling me I was late but then realized how sick I looked and felt so she let me stay home. She made me drink this chinese herb thing and oh my god worst taste ever... Note to self: never ever drink weird smelling tea drinks from mom. Then she thought it was a good idea to help me "kau sua", that's what its called in Hokkien. It's basically like using this chinese oil thing and a ceramic plate to rub or scratch or whatever against your neck and back to release heat or something. I don't really know what it does but I do admit I feel better now...

Anyway, came on here to finish my biology assignment but I thought I might as well update since I'm on here anyway so yeah. I've been gulping down glasses and glasses of water and I'm peeing like there's no tomorrow oh god... Hoping that there isn't much homework to be done today because I honestly don't want to do anything. ALL I WANT IS TO SLEEP(which I will go on into doing after writing this). I can guarantee one of the reasons I'm sick right now is because I'm completely sleep deprived.

So like everyone has been on their edge recently because test papers are being given out. I mean, chill guys. They're just papers. There's no need to worry I mean you've already done it. All you have to do now is to wait for your results. And honestly there's no need to cry over it...

Speaking of which, I absolutely hate it when certain people have to go all out and say that someone's arrogant or what shit just because they did well in a certain paper. Seriously?! You want to do this? Seriously? How old are you? Like 6? Just because someone is happy that they did well in a paper does not mean that they're arrogant. Pffsh like you've never been happy or proud of something you did well in. Being happy definitely does not have anything to do with being arrogant you dickhead. Seriously just grow the fuck up will you? And just because you're """good""" in English does not mean you can think low of me and it certainly does not give you the right to be rude and say that you should've gotten better than me and that I don't deserve getting better marks than you. If you were """good""" then why didn't you get the highest then? I swear guys are so immature and heartless sometimes.

Okay enough of all this ranting. My head's driving me insane with this pounding and mom just called to check up on me. So I better get off and get to bed. Goodbye!




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