Friday, May 25, 2012

Umm, so like, hi...

Hello! It's been like a month since I've blogged! I'm super sorry... Exams were in the way and I had to put away my laptop to encourage me to study(but fyi I still had my phone so...). I tried using my phone to blog won't work!!

EXAMS ARE DONE WITH FOR THIS SEMESTER!!!!! Can you not tell how super happy and excited I am?!?!?!?! 2 weeks of holidays and it starts today! So basically my holidays are packed(and this is like really rare because I am a loser who usually does nothing at home during holidays). I have like one week to myself but I'll have to use that week to complete bio assignments and hopefully do some add maths! I really NEED to improve my add maths. It's one of my weakest subjects ughhh I just cannot seem to get it. Its so confusing and mind fucking. And don't get me started on my bio assignment... I just hate teacher for making us do this because umm I don't know if you're stupid or just plain dumb but holidays are for relaxing? I think I didn't do my best this exam because I didn't have enough time to prepare :( I'm actually pretty worried for my results this time because parent teacher meetings are soon and my annoying as form teacher might nag about it(and by nag I actually mean nag, with the annoying nagging voice some more).

But on the second week of holidays... I'll be heading to Sabah for Leo Forum!!!!! Super super ecstatic to the max! I'll be going with friends(Jordan and Ivy) and we'll be all tourist-like hehehehehe. Best part of it? No adults! Well no teachers that is...I'm pretty sure there are gonna be adults there. We have so many things planned for Sabah oh my god you do not even understand my excitableness. Though... there's gonna be two dinners in which we have to dress up formally... I for one, am not a fan of dresses. But we have to wear a party dress so right now my biggest problem is to find two party dresses(which fits my taste and is decent). I'm like freaking out because I don't know where to get decent party dresses?!?!?!?! And not to mention I don't have shoes to go with them! I wonder if they'll mind me showing up in converses...

Okay so teacher's day celebrations for school level are today. And I was supposed to be there by 6am in the fucking morning for prefect duty. It isn't gonna be fun because the dewan(that we cleaned with all our hard work and sweat yesterday afternoon, in which we stayed back till 4pm for) got mud attacked(yes I mean that literally) and we are supposed to clean it up by this morning before celebrations and performances start.  Guess what? I woke up sick with fever and a bloody sore throat. Fyi, it hurts like fuck and I cannot speak. All that comes out of my mouth when I open it and try to talk is, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am having such a hard time communicating verbally right now...

Stuff to look forward to this holiday:

  • Movie marathon with Ivy and Xinjie(and a few other people)
  • Mall trips
  • finishing off hunger games
  • blogging
  • tumblr
  • twitter
(wow I have no life)

So, personally I am having a rough time with well umm, personal stuff which I will talk about in another post some other time. Right now I plan to just sit back with my bottle of water(because I cannot eat or drink anything else :<) and maybe watch some dvds on my laptop while my glee episodes are downloading. This annoyingly slow internet speed is getting on my nerves... Or I might just overhaul my blog again because I can never be satisfied with one design(yes I am very indecisive over things).

Okay well till I get on, bye!




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