Sunday, April 29, 2012

Typical Saturday with a twist

Heavy eyes now but shall update you guys abit about my day :)

We had school activities today so I woke up really early...I slept at around 2am maybe yesterday(which was a bad idea) and woke up at around 6-ish in the am. Was supposed to go for swimming but Ivy wasn't going and I had my period still so we skipped and went straight to school. Met up with Xinjie and Ivy and headed to Leo for the weekly meeting but no one was in the room so we left and went to find Pris to see if she needed help for the school mag. I could tell she was really stressed out over it :( I honestly wanted to help but I didn't know what to help with... I felt so bad!

Leo was kinda boring so we left again and went to check up on Pris to see if she was still sane. Today was pretty hot so I was sweating all over ughhh I hate sweating when I'm not supposed to! It's so annoying and makes you feel sticky and icky ewww

Sent Ivy off then Xinjie and I went to hills to get her special someone's present! I have to say the present is pretty cool heh. It's like this iPhone casing that got splashed with droplets of water? Yeah guess you could say it like that. I was craving for guavas and sweet corn juice so we went over to Parkson to get them! After the long wait, I finally satisfied my cravings yum! You guys should try the sweet corn juice. It's A+!!! They blend sweet corn and some milk and some other stuff which I'm not sure of but its goooood. Xinjie suddenly had her cravings for some Oreo McFlurry so we walked down to McDonald's to get some but just her luck, they didn't have it today! She was kinda bummed so we ordered a set instead for her lunch. Maybe ours... because I ate half of her french fries.

That's Xinjie's lunch for you.

I wasn't planning on eating anything for lunch but oh well... because we were gonna go to Fullhouse at Hills during the night for Bev's early birthday dinner. 

When I went home I was actually supposed to study, which I did but it only lasted for an hour(I am honestly freaking out because exams are week after next and I haven't started!!!!!!!)(Stupid school who had to make us all suffer by pushing the exams a week earlier than planned) Speaking of exams, this one's gonna last for two weeks. TWO FUCKING WEEKS UGHH. And they wonder why students nowadays go mental... Ok anyway, I slept the afternoon off because I was just so tired(this is what happens when you know there is school but still sleep late). 

Woke up at around 6pm which is later than planned and had to rush off to exercise before heading to Fullhouse. I need to exercise ok. I don't care if I'm gonna be late because if I don't exercise or sweat my butt off, I'll feel guilty and fat then I'll  probs beat myself up from the insides for not sticking to plan...(yes I am a health conscious freak. Cue all the critics) I don't see it as a bad thing because it kinda motivates me to push myself further and get healthier. Exercising always makes me feel better for some sick reason. It helps me to clear my mind and stuff like that.

When I got back it was already like 7pm(the dinner was supposed to start at 6.30)(oh well forever late because of my health conscience). I rushed like a mad man on rampage to get ready. I was pretty proud for being able to reach there at around 7.30 ish. Which proves I'm getting better at procrastinating yay(no guys do not follow in my footsteps. trust me. getting burned by your hairdryer and knocking into beds and table along the way is not cool unless if you think bruises are cool then ok why not) I actually reached the place in time but I was literally shaking(i couldn't even text properly lol) I don't really know why... Maybe because I was in such a hurry and all my adrenaline went up? Ya ok not too sure myself.

Fullhouse was ok I guess. It was my first time being there but omfg the food is so expensive I cannot even... I ordered the club sandwich and it costs me RM13.90. The portion was small... Managed to finish most of it though except 1/4 of it hehehehe I also had a banana milkshake. It was bleeeergh because the after taste tasted like panadol. I hate panadol... But all in all it was ok. I like the layout of the place. Makes you have this tea party vibe yeaaah buddy 

Credits to Bev for this photo! Stole it from her Instagram because mine didn't have 3G plus I did not take any photos :( From left: Me, Ivy, Angelina and Bev!

Truth be told, I didn't actually want to go because exams were coming and I am freaking out big time. But then after all it was Bev's early birthday dinner so I went for her yay

(But my secret motivation was this)

I saw hot guys and there was good food so yes I am happy.

*SHOUT OUT TO MORGANE because she tweeted me and asked me to write about her so here goes... Hi~~~~~~~ I'm so sorry for not being able to write a good ghost story. I keep having writer's block! I promise when inspirations hits I'll write you one hahahahaha And it's been so long since I've seen you!!!!!!! Hoping to see you more often. Maybe send you some hand written letters through Xinjie cos I'm romantic like that hehehehe
Ok I guess that's it for now. Till the next time!(which will probably be after exams? or maybe during the break period of exams) Oh and I might not be blogging for 5 days during the 2nd week of June holidays because I'll be at Leo forum...I might blog if there is internet connection and hopefully a laptop though!




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