Saturday, July 7, 2012

777 Night Chase Run

HI GUYS!!!!! Went for the 777 night chase run just now! I'm still buzzing from excitement! I am super sweaty now but it was worth it ok. I haven't entered runs like these in ages! The last run was when I was 12. My stamina isn't that good but at least my friends and I were in the top 100. I was real happy about my time when dad told me about it. I managed to finish 5km in 40 mins or less. Waaaaah so happy because I usually finish only 3/4km in 35-40 mins so this an accomplishment for me!

Need to up my game. Dad says with a little bit more training I would be able to do better. So I shall train my ass off and join more runs like these in the future. I don't mind not getting first. I just want to be able to see improvement in myself and mostly to cure my breathing problems.

Good news is I finished it without my breathing problems happening! Though I did have period cramps halfway through the run... Let me tell you it wasn't cool at all. Tania had to talk to me to keep me going. Shoutout to her for being so sweet. Happy 16th Birthday to Tania as well!!! Also thank God for the perfect weather tonight! It was raining for three continuous days yesterday and it was expected to rain but thank God for answering prayers and not letting it rain!

Am all cooled down now... so I should probably get showering now hahahaha. Gonna end the night with a chick flick! Till I type again, bye! Photos for you all :)
Tania the birthday girl!

My bib number

From left: Clarence and Darren getting ready their ipods and glow sticks!

My glow sticks(I love the colors)

Kinda rampaged Mark's duffel bag and found a banana, two cans of H-TWO-O and clothes.

This guy showed up by surprise! I honestly didn't know he was going. This is Jordan btw.

Adrian and his gay "I'm ready" face. 

After the run. I was super sweaty and buzzing with excitement!

The pretty glow sticks when you move them real fast lol

And another photo of the glow sticks that I am infatuated with atm.




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