Thursday, August 16, 2012

Long Time

Been a long time guys! Hopefully I still have readers? Was having exams... I kinda skipped like a week of school because I got real sick over the weekends. Been chilling at home since Sunday but it kinda sucked due to having constant headaches and puking and stuff like that! Gonna do a super quick short update! I haven't been on my lappy since agessssssss ago!

Raya holidays are here! Though it's only gonna be a week long... A week isn't enough damn it. I have so much to complete this short holiday!!!! Worst thing is, year end exams start after two weeks after this holiday. Can school drive a sane person mad? I think yes!

So, I am currently hooked on this Android app called TuneIn. It's this radio app that let's you listen to radio stations from all over the world! It's the mintest app ever right now. Dad introduced it to me! Way to go dad~

Saturday is one of my closest girlfriend's birthday. I feel super guilty I won't be able to make it to her party tomorrow night because my bro and mom are celebrating their birthdays tomorrow night with a joint party! So I shall wish her on the day itself! Hopefully I'll be able to drop in on the fun for a while tomorrow night after my bro and mom's party...

Having some me time in my room all alone under covers with the ac on and some coffee and of course my laptop! If only I had movies with me now... I would stream some but... my net connection just sucks big time. So I'm currently on tumblr and blogger while listening to heheheheheh Sydney's radio station woooooo I swear this app is so mint. Plus I haz coffee so I shall be up all night? Maybe lol. Kk shall just leave this update till here~ Till next time guys. Here is a photo of me yay



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