Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fun-filled and stuff

Hollaaa! I am sitting here trying to write a readable and hopefully interesting post with newly hardened fingers and a really bruised butt. I'll explain why a bit later...

School's prefectorial board decided to get us all to go to a prefect leadership camp at INTI today. It was compulsory so I actually didn't really have a choice... But, I totally don't regret going because IT WAS SO FUN I SWEAR AAAAAAAHHH

If you didn't know, I am rather shy and not outgoing at all. This is one of those times that with the right people and a fun program, I felt super active and excited. Made a few new friends and shouted...A LOT. I honestly have to say this was one of the best leadership camps I've been to because there wasn't a lot of talking. It was all games and fun!!!!!!!

So like, we gathered at the hall(it was fully air conditioned but due to shouting and jumping and running, we all were super sweaty) and was introduced around. The ice breaking part was pretty mint. We were taught the chocolate(in spanish) dance. After that were the games! We had like a beg, borrow and steal game, a trust game, a teamwork game and a full body contact game. I personally don't have a favourite because all of them were SO fun.

I honestly don't know how I bruised my butt but it hurts when I sit so...yeah. I think it's because of the rolling around and the getting piggybacked and dropped on the floor. Yes, I got piggybacked by a few people like Clarence, Roald and Alvin. I got dropped by Roald..... it wasn't cool man. It hurt... But like, it was a reaaaally fun experience and I would totally go for more camps like these next time!

I play guitar when I feel crappy. So, recently I've been playing a lot(yep, I feel super crappy because of problems that I'm going through rn) and I'm used to it already(the pain and peeling and all) but I've stopped playing a month before because of exams so my skin peeled and it became soft again. Now that I've started playing constantly again, the process is happening again(the pain, hardening, peeling and repeat). So like, now my finger tips are super hard and kinda painful...

You know sometimes you feel carefree and just dress in a plain tee and shorts to go out thinking you're just gonna go somewhere for a bit and that no one you know will bump into you? was one of those days where I dressed super simple thinking I was just gonna drop in the guitar shop to get my new strap, a new pick and a capo but turns out dad drove us to Spring. I didn't mind I mean but honestly why is it that whenever I look like crap, everyone I know seems to turn up out of nowhere?

Moving on... I've recently got the sudden motivation to really start losing weight the healthy way and get my dream body as soon as possible for the holidays after looking at this girl's IG that shows her daily progress in losing weight and getting her best bod for the summer. It's an inspiration and I've decided that I want that to because I've realized that life is just too short for you to go on hating your body and still not doing anything about it. So, I've decided to set little easily achievable goals for myself :)

Overall, today was hands down one of the best days this year(despite all the crap recently). Till whenever!

, xx



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