Friday, September 7, 2012

Because it's Friday

I am currently on the brink of breaking because everyone is watching VMAs and I am just here...on the laptop blogging and tumbrling because my parents think MTV is too overrated. This is just too much I cannot explain the frustration. I would watch it online but... my connection sucks. I'll just have to wait till it airs again(like in a year or so ;-;).

I am actually pretty tired. Like mentally tired I think. I've pretty much been tired everyday recently. I can't really explain it...?

Moving on...

Just got back from add math tuition and oh my god today was fuuuuun. I think I'm probably getting pranked back by Bryan at Damai because I kinda took his phone(he kept reading my tweets out loud in my so-called voice) so I got back at him by taking away his pencil at first but he said he wanted it back so I kinda exchanged it(without telling him) with his phone which was on the table. It was the only option so... But! It was torture for him because he honestly just plain lives on his BB. He got it back after a while complaining that he wasn't able to reply bbms, tweets, facebook messages and text messages. It was actually really funny watching him trying to get his BB back from me tho.

Gonna be having a pretty much packed weekend as per usual. Homework, assignments and meet ups with mates! Speaking of assignments, I have like ughhhhh so many assignments piled up. I should honestly start doing it but I can't be stuffed. There's like biology, accounts and chemistry! Not to mention 3 moral essays for my folio... This is mainly the cause of my sleep deprivation.

I probably should stop here...I have to get some shut eye for my morning run tomorrow! Shall tumblr a bit first tho :D

I don't think I'll be able to update on a daily basis......but I'll try my best to? My tweets are on here and I pretty much tweet everyday so you guys would be able to know what's going on anyways!

KK that's pretty much it for this post! Till whenever~

, xx



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