Friday, October 5, 2012

R&R and some feels

Hello! The dreadful 3 week exams are coming to an end! I am SUPER happy because it's almost the year end holidays! Finally time for some real R&R. Last paper is on Monday which is civic but... I'm still deciding on whether to study or not(which I probably would because my mom would kill me if I didn't study for a paper. Sucks to be honest).

Plans for the coming holidays are to rest for the first few weeks then start studying to catch up on my weak subjects. But first... DAMAI TRIP with my favourite people! I can't wait!!! This will be the most anticipated trip ever. Though it's kinda sad since the old gang split up... Some people have changed and friendships fade. It's really sad to watch but what can we do.

I feel sad sometimes when I look back and compare it to the present because I used to be so close and cool with some old friends but now they're slowly fading away from me. I mean, I talk to them but sometimes they just ignore me or like completely take it as if I were invisible to them. I wish I knew what went wrong...

Trying to be optimistic is hard. I don't understand how some people can pull it off so easily? I just hope I can just improve myself somehow and understand what is going on.

Anyway, I should be happy because term exams are done and I can finally chill. Though the new internet modem is just bugging me. It was 150kpbs before we changed to the current one because the last one got busted(idk how) and now its only like 54kbps. I really want dad to upgrade it to at least 1GB or more. I guess I just have to make due now...

Guess this is it for this post. Shall update more next week maybe! I have a night run coming up and I haven't even started training because of the terrible haze right now. Let's just get these few weeks over with till Damai then I'll just want those three days to go by slowly!

Till the next post. Here's a photo of me now




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